Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Vocabulary notebook
1. Complete the sentences
1. You're in class. You've finished your work,and there's nothing else to do.
    I'd probably feel bored
2. You are waiting for a friend at a restaurant, and the friend calls to say he or she can't             meet you.
    I think i'd be annoyed
3. A friend borrowed some of your CD s and returned them scratched.
    I'd feel disappointed
4. You're on a dark and quiet street , and someone is following you.
    I'd feel scared
2. Think of situations for these different emotions
1. I feel very motivated to practice my english when I'm in class.
2. I think it's annoying when you've waiting someone but she doesn't come.
3. I was really shocked when my classmate is pregnant.
4. Sometimes i get frustrated when my girl friend talking about someone else.
5. I think it's embarrassing when you can't tell about you like most.
6. Sometimes I get confused when i calculating math or chemistry.
3. World builder
1. I was so astonished that i couldn't take my eyes off it.
2. It was very upsetting to see her cry.
3. I'm terrified of the night.
4. I was very thrilled when i realized that i could do what i have always wanted to do.

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