Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Vocabulary notebook

1. Look at the adjectives on the left
  1. Freak                        Hailstorm
  2. Heavy                       Rain
  3. Minor                        Earthquake
  4. Flash                         Flood
  5. Catastrophic           Thunder
2. World builder

   1. A building was struck by lightning.
   2. Electrical power was disrupted by an ice storm yesterday.
   3. Two people were severely injured.
   4. The village was struck by hailstones
New words
  1. Wind-Салхи
  2. Semiconductor-Хагас дамжуулагч
  3. yard-талбай
  4. pineapple-хан боргоцой
  5. through-тийм боловч
  6. disrupted-үл итгэх
  7. heavy-хүнд хэцүү
  8. rescued-аврах
  9. flood-үер
  10. heard-сонсох
  11. idea-санаа
  12. audience-ёслолын уулзалт
  13. visitor-зочин
  14. daily-өдөр бүрийн
  15. chief-удирдагч
  16. limited-хэмжээтэй
  17. oriented-зүглүүлэх
  18. Hurricane-Хар салхи
  19. Ware house-Тодорхойлох
  20. Partially-Хэсэгчлэн
  21. Progressive-Давшилттай , дэвших
Vocabulary notebook
1. Complete the sentences
1. You're in class. You've finished your work,and there's nothing else to do.
    I'd probably feel bored
2. You are waiting for a friend at a restaurant, and the friend calls to say he or she can't             meet you.
    I think i'd be annoyed
3. A friend borrowed some of your CD s and returned them scratched.
    I'd feel disappointed
4. You're on a dark and quiet street , and someone is following you.
    I'd feel scared
2. Think of situations for these different emotions
1. I feel very motivated to practice my english when I'm in class.
2. I think it's annoying when you've waiting someone but she doesn't come.
3. I was really shocked when my classmate is pregnant.
4. Sometimes i get frustrated when my girl friend talking about someone else.
5. I think it's embarrassing when you can't tell about you like most.
6. Sometimes I get confused when i calculating math or chemistry.
3. World builder
1. I was so astonished that i couldn't take my eyes off it.
2. It was very upsetting to see her cry.
3. I'm terrified of the night.
4. I was very thrilled when i realized that i could do what i have always wanted to do.
New words
1. speculate-дамлан худалдах
2. graduate-сургууль төгсөгч
3. ceremony-ёслол, зан үйл, ёс
4. embarrassing-санаа зовоосон, таагүй
5. frustrating-сэтгэлээр унасан
6. jealous-шартай, атаархуу
7. anxious-ихэд хүсэж байгаа
8. gown-палааж, халаад
9. motivate-зоригжуулах
10. perform-толилуулах, явуулах, ажиллах
11. proud-бахархах, гоё сайхан, ихэрхэх
12. explain-тайлах, тайлбарлах
13. slouch-бөгтөр байдал, болхи хүнд алхаа
14. concern-холбогдол, чухал байдал
15. highlight-гол үйл явдал хэсэг
16. donation-өргөл барьц, хандив, бэлэг
17. importance-ач холбогдол, чухал хэрэгтэй байдал
18. discreetly-болгоомжлон, хэрсүү ухаанаар
19. freshman-шинэ хүн, шинэ оюутан
20. junior-бага хүүхэд, дүү, өсвөр насны хүүхэд
21. funding-санхүүжүүлэлт, санхүүжилт
22. reaction-урвал нөлөө, үйлчлэл
23. opinion-дүгнэлт, үзэл бодол
UNIT 10 
Vocabulary notebook
1. Match the types of movies to the movie titles
  1. An animated film                                                d. Funny bunny
  2. A thriller                                                              c.The spy who got away
  3. A musical                                                            e.Singing in the street
  4. A romantic comedy                                             b.Loving you forever
  5. A science – fiction movie                                    a.2096: Living on mars
2. Make a list of different types of movies
Type of movie
Name of movie
What’s it about?
Science-fiction movie
The cosmonauts who are going to save peoples on the earth
Animated film
The wind rises
Japanese aircraft designers life before World War 2
The air marshal who saving plane from terrorists
Romantic movie
The fault in our stars
The couple that they have cancer and their love story.

New words
  1. Junior-Бага хүү
  2. Gown-Палааж
  3. Reaction-Урвал нөлөө
  4. Explain-Тайлбарлах
  5. Slouch-Болхи
  6. Proud-Бахархах
  7. Perform-Гүйцэтгэх
  8. Funding-Санхүүжилт
  9. Discreetly-Болгоомжлон
  10. ancient-эртний
  11. fiction-үлгэр, домог
  12. afternoon-үдээс хойш
  13. recommendation-санал,сайшаал
  14. signature-гарын үсэг
  15. leads-удирдах
  16. comfortable-тохитой
  17. wild-зэрлэг
  18. giraffe-анааш
  19. perform-гүйцэтгэх
  20. mellow-зөөлөн
  21. detective-тагнуулч
  22. gangster-дээрэмчин
Vocabulary notebook

1. Complete the conversation
1. A: The music’s too loud.
    B: I’ll turn it down.
2. A: I dunno what to do with these boxes. 
    B: You can put them away in the closet.
3. A: What does this word mean ?
    B: I’ll look it up.
4. A: I need a copy of that document. 
    B: I’ll print it out.
5. A: I can’t hear the radio. 
    B:I’ll turn it up.
6. A: I’m allergic to these earrings.
    B: Then I’d take them off.
2. World builder
1. A: Could you pick me up next weekend ?
    B: Sure . What time should I pick you up ?
2. A: I like this shirt , but does it look good ?
    B: It’s a nice color . Why don’t you try it on ?
3. A:This shirt doesn't fit me , What should I do ?
    B:If you have the receipt , take it back to store.
4. A: Hi Liza it’s me Sarah . Are you free now ?
    B:Actually , I’m late for work . Can I call you back tonight ?
5. A:I can’t mix it . It’s not making a fusion.
    B:I’ll show you how to put it together.
New words

1. temporary-түр зуурын
2. solution-шийдэл
3. awful-аймшигтай, балиар, муухай
4. instruction-заавар
5. separable-ангид, тусдаа
6. remote-удирдлага
7.put away-хураах, хэг тийш тавих
8. hook up-нийлүүлэх, залгах

9. look up-хайх
10. pick up-авах, худалдаж авах
11. print out-хэвлэх
12. put down-тавих
13. take off-тайлж авах тайлах
14. take apart-салгах, хэсэгчлэн задлах
15. throw away-хаях, шидэх
16. turn down-багасгах
17. turn up-дуу нэмэх
18. suspicious-сэжигтэй
19. shred-өөдөс,өчүүхэн хэсэг

20. discard-татгалзах
21. pilfer-суйлах, хулгайлах