Friday, March 6, 2015

                              My happiest childhood memories


      In every childhood there are many events that are memorable and influential because memories are a part of life. Without them life would be meaningless because we have no memories to hold on too. My most memorable childhood took place when I was about eight years old. The memories of my early childhood are like scattered, partially lost pieces of a huge mosaic.

      The memories of my childhood are my Grandma. Her name is Pagam. She always used to keep candy in her pockets, and she had always give us some when we came to visit.

      My memories are the feelings of happiness, peace, kindness and care.I remember her soft, warm hands, her smiling with rays of wrinkles in the corner of her eyes, her quiet gentle laughter and love.

     It's the perception of the surrounding world through love I was given and love I was taught. Grandma's morning began in the kitchen. I could hear fussy noises of knives banging on the table, rumbling pots. Everything that came from that kitchen was magically tasty and always delicious, because my Grandma used a secret recipe for everything. The secret recipe is called "Love".

     We used to go to my grandma's every summer. For me, it was the best time of the year. The summer at Grandparents' meant to be away from the city, lost in the steppes and endless fields, welcomed us with its friendly people who knew streets straight and parallel, lined up with nice-looking little houses.


  UNIT 3 

1.Learning tip
 1. Great sandy desert
2. Tasmania  island
3. Eyre  lake
4. Blue  mountains
5. Pacific  ocean
6. Darling  river
7. Sydney Harbour  bridge  

  2.On your own
1.The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest in Asia.
      It's 8850meters high.
2.The highest lake in the world is Lake Victoria.
     It's 3440 kilometers high.
3.The longest mountain range is the Himalayas.
    It's 8848 meters long.
4.The deepest lake in the world is Lake  Baikal.
   It's 1741 meters deep.
5. The tallest building in the Mongolia is BlueSky.
    It's 105 meters tall.
6.The biggest hotel in the Mongolia is Chinggis Khaan.
    It's  minimum room size is 40.6meters small.
7.The largest library is British library.
    It's 162.7 kilometers large.
8.The nicest restaurant in the world is Kobenhavn.  
    It's295 kilometers.
9.The smallest continent is Australia.
   It's almost 7.7 million square kilometers high.
10.The oldest university is Horward .
     It's  102 years old.
11.The best movie theater is Berlin Wintergarten theat
     It's 141.5 kilometers.
12.The biggest stadium is Michigan Stadium.
    It's can host crowds in excess of 115,000

             UNIT 3 
    New words 
  1. faeture-шинж тэмдэг
  2. featured-өөрийн гэсэн онцлог шинж чанар
  3. historic-түүхэн
  4. highes-дээд
  5. lake-нуур
  6. jungle-битүү ширэнгэ
  7. peninsula-хойг
  8. valley-хөндий
  9. waterfall-цутгаланphasis-онцло
  10. cruise-далайн аялал
  11. ole-бүхэл
  12. suspension-түр зуурын зогсолт
  13. compare-харьцуулах
  14. wide-өргөн
  15. superlative-хэтрүүлэг
  16. specific-нарийвчилсан
  17. common-нийтлэг
  18. classmates-нэг ангийнхан
  19. passenger-зорчигч
  20. chandelier-чийдэнгийн бүрхүүл
  21. escalator-урсдаг шат
  22. sketch-хар зураг
  23. label-шошго
  24. affirmative-зөвшөөрсөн
  25. appointment-томилолт
  26. marble-гантиг
  27. coaster-эрэг хавийн оршин суугч
  28. proficient-мэргэжилт